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Florida Gardening Calendar

Lawn Maintenance and Gardening Planner For Central Florida

Lawn Maintenance and Gardening in Central Florida are year round for service providers.

Horticulture is very nuanced in Central Florida. After our recent freeze I saw landscaping that had severe damage in Lake Mary – and nearly nothing in Winter Park or College Park and surrounding areas. Micro climates are very real. Even as little change from one side of a lawn to the other can make a big difference for which plants survive or don’t. If your landscape wasn’t installed with that in mind take that into consideration when you replace plant material.

Here is a link for general gardening guidelines from the recognized experts for all things horticultural over at the University of Florida. Just bear in mind that their recommendations are general in nature and do not necessarily reflect micro climate adjustments – but they do get you pretty close – pretty quickly. There are also a lot of other great links on this page to resources for lawn maintenance service questions and many garden related links.

Mowing and Trimming in South Florida

Lawn and Ornamental Care Guidelines

The attached chart from a supplier is a good start to understand what a comprehensive lawn and ornamental care (small trees and shrubs) looks like. Within the company we look at weather trends and soil temperatures to get “best” timing to achieve optimal results. Lawn Maintenance items like fertilization and control products are not as efficient if used at the wrong time.

If you have questions about your lawn maintenance and want a free proposal, or just a second opinion, I welcome your call or email.